The Albury Recycling Centre accepts your recyclable waste, including plastic, glass, paper, cardboard and household goods.
Residents can also drop off hazardous items like oils, gas bottles, batteries and fluorescent lights for free.
While you’re there, drop into the Upcycle Shop to snap up pre-loved bargains such as bikes or books, tables or tools.
It’s all part of the work we’re doing as a community to halve the amount of waste we send to landfill and set a recycling standard for other communities to follow.
General household recycling
We accept a huge range of materials that can be turned into valuable products instead of being dumped into landfill. Apart from glass, paper, cardboard, and hard plastics, we also recycle white goods, steel, mattresses and household goods such as furniture, toys and books, Simply offload these items into the marked areas and you’ll be disposing of your waste at minimal or no cost while also doing your bit to help our environment.
Electrical and electronic waste keyboard_arrow_right
Not sure what to do with that old TV, printer or computer? Bring it to the Albury Recycling Centre and we will take it off your hands for free.
Electronic waste is any item with a plug, battery or power cord. We sort and transfer these goods so valuable materials they contain can be recycled and any hazardous contents, such as heavy metals, can be removed before they harm the environment.
By recycling these items, you can be sure that dangerous chemicals can’t leach into the soil, seep into the air or cause fires in landfill, while valuable minerals such as gold, copper and platinum can be recovered and re-used.
We don’t charge any fees for accepting your e-waste and electronic waste, but you must separate the items and place them in the correct recycling areas.
You can bring any of the follow items to us for recycling and safe disposal.
Large appliances
- Refrigerators
- Washing machines
- Cookers
- Microwaves
- Electric fans
- Air conditioners
Small appliances
- Irons
- Toasters
- Coffee machines
- Hair dryers
IT, telecommunications and TV equipment
- Computers and computer peripherals
- Laptops/tablets
- Printers
- Mobile phones
- Televisions
- Remote controls
Electrical and electronic tools
- Drills
- Saws
- Sewing machines
- Lawn mowers
Toys, leisure and sports equipment
- Electric trains and racing cars
- Hand-held video games
- Consoles
- Amplifiers
- Musical instruments
- Radios
Mattresses and soft furnishings keyboard_arrow_right
Every year in Australia, 1.25 million mattresses end up in landfill – but this can be avoided because up to 90% of mattress components can be recycled. You can help by bringing your unwanted mattresses to the Albury Waste Management Centre. Charges apply.
Recyclable materials in mattresses include:
- Steel springs are sent to scrap metal merchants for melting into new products
- Foam from inside the mattress can be recycled for carpet underlay
- Timber and husk: The fibrous husk is used in the manufacture of animal bedding, weed matting and mulch
- Felt pad and fabric is used to make boxing bags
Whitegoods keyboard_arrow_right
You can bring all your household white goods to us for recycling.
The Albury Recycling Centre recycles all household whitegoods, including fridges, freezers, microwave ovens, stoves, dishwashers, washing machines, clothes dryers and air conditioners.
The metal from whitegoods and other steel items can be repeatedly recycled to make new products.
Before dropping of your whitegoods,, make sure it’s cleaned of any dirt or food scraps. -
Clothing keyboard_arrow_right
Cleaning out the home is not only a great way to get rid of that unwanted clothing and other household odds and ends, it can also make a difference to the less fortunate in our community.
We work with Lifeline to collect and redistribute unwanted clothing.
Bins are available at the Albury Recycling Centre for you to deposit clothing, shoes, and handbags. Please don’t donate anything that is broken, damaged, ripped, stained or in any way faulty.
We don’t charge a fee for disposing of these items but you do need to separate them and place them in the correct area.
Steel keyboard_arrow_right
Steel can be recycled repeatedly – and for households, it’s free to recycle steel.
Manufacturing steel products is a highly energy intensive process, while reworking recycled steel uses 75% less energy compared to working with raw materials. Apart from energy savings, recycling steel also preserves valuable minerals such as iron ore, coal and limestone. Keep in mind - for every kilogram of steel you recycle, you’re keeping two kg of greenhouse gases out of the atmosphere.
Steel scrap like aerosol cans, food tins, bottle tops and jar lids can be recycled. You can place small steel waste in your yellow bin, but for larger items, simply bring them to the Albury Recycling Centre for free.
Before dropping of your steel waste, make sure it’s cleaned of any dirt or food scraps.
Plastic and paper keyboard_arrow_right
We accept some plastic and paper for free at our facility.
Please ensure all plastics are separated before bringing them in to be recycled.
Hard Plastics: We can recycle items such as outdoor furniture and toys.
Soft Plastics: We can accept some soft plastics such as accept heavy-duty film wrap, shrink-wrap, clear, and black plastic. This is at our discretion.
Corflute: We now accept corflute (corrugated plastic) as a recyclable item. Please make sure it is clean and separated from other materials.
Paper brought to the Albury Waste Management Centre is sent off-site to be turned into recycled paper. You can drop off paper free of charge, but please separate it from other products.
The list below explains what paper products we accept:
Accepted Products
Not Accepted Products
Sticky notes and envelopes
Waxed or plastic-coated paper
Paper brochures
Binding, bulldog clips, strapping
Paper pamphlets
Officer paper
Copy paper
Shredded paper or trimmings
General board packaging
Hard cover books
Polystyrene keyboard_arrow_right
You can drop off polystyrene that’s generated in the home at the Albury Recycling Centre for free.
We can then process the polystyrene through a special machine that melts it into small, dense blocks that are used to make useful products such as building insulation and photo frames.
Please don’t put polystyrene into your yellow kerbside bin. It can’t be recycled that way and causes contamination within your bins – but it is completely free to dispose of polystyrene by bringing it to the recycling centre, just make sure it's clean and dry.
Tyres keyboard_arrow_right
Transporting Tyres within NSW
Commercial Purposes
Tyre transporters must report the movement of tyre waste to the Environment Protection Authority. To help industry meet its legal obligations, the EPA has developed a new Integrated Waste Tracking Solution (IWTS) for tracking and reporting on hazardous and regulated waste.
The AWMC does not accept commercial quantities of tyres. If you or your business is involved with the collection of tyres, you must track and report this waste to the EPA using the new IWTS. The IWTS generates a unique EPA consignment ID that allows each load to be monitored from the place of generation to the site of disposal. Businesses are required to organise an agreement direct with a tyre recycler.
For more information on the new IWTS system, please refer to the NSW EPAs website Integrated waste tracking solution (
Residential Purposes
Council only accept a maximum of six tyres per transaction for residents that reside in the Albury Local Government area. First two tyres are free, charges will apply for other tyres. Tyres from outside of the Albury area to be disposed of at their local transfer station.
Clean fill keyboard_arrow_right
If you’re undertaking a project at home that involves moving soils, old lawns or concrete and bricks, bring them to the Albury Waste Management Centre so we can recycle or reuse them.
Our customer service staff will help you to place these items in the correct location.
All soil type products are stockpiled and used for other purposes and do not incur charges if they are deemed clean by our staff. So when you arrive at the gatehouse with your load of soils, ask the team to take a look at your load. If it’s clean it’s free!
However, charges do apply to the disposal of concrete and bricks. These fees cover the costs of using contracted machinery to process the items.
All recyclable materials be separated and placed in the correct areas. We recommend sorting your load to separate general waste and recyclables.
Household problem waste
You can now take your household problem waste such as household and car batteries, motor and other oils, paint, smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, gas bottles and fluoro lights to the Albury Recycling Centre for disposal for free.
Because these items are hazardous to other people and the environment they can’t go into any of your kerbside bins but if they’re sorted correctly, you can bring them to us.
Asbestos keyboard_arrow_right
The Albury Waste Management Centre (AWMC) is licensed to accept asbestos that has been removed and packed in accordance with legislative requirements.
To ensure the safety of all Albury Waste Management Centre users and the environment, it is essential to declare asbestos waste either on entry or prior to arrival.
Transporting Asbestos within NSW and interstate
Commercial Purposes
Asbestos transporters must report the movement of asbestos waste to the Environment Protection Authority (EPA). To help industry meet its legal obligations, the EPA has developed a new Integrated Waste Tracking Solution (IWTS) for tracking and reporting on hazardous and regulated waste.
If you’re involved with the transport or disposal of asbestos waste weighing more than 100 kilograms, or more than 10 square metres of asbestos sheeting in 1 load in NSW, you must track and report this waste to the EPA using the new IWTS.
Weather inhibits asbestos disposal, where wet conditions are present please contact 02 6043 5860 to seek disposal approval.
The IWTS generates a unique EPA consignment ID that allows each load to be monitored from the place of generation to the site of disposal. If you are planning on disposing of this waste at the AWMC, you will need to present this consignment ID upon entry. Persons not supplying the necessary information will be referred to EPA for their review.
For more information on the IWTS system, refer to NSW EPAs website Integrated waste tracking solution (
Commercial asbestos disposals will only be accepted during business hours between Monday and Fridays unless otherwise authorised.
Residential Purposes
Council will only accept less than 100 kilograms of asbestos waste material from residents. All asbestos receivals need to comply with the triple wrapping requirements. Loads exceeding this volume are to be managed by an experienced asbestos removalist. The resident will be responsible for removing asbestos from their vehicles and placing in an area whereby onsite staff can pick up the package using bucket and loader machinery.
For any questions, please contact 02 6043 5860 .
Asbestos disposals will be accepted during business hours between Monday and Sunday.
Needles, sharps and syringes keyboard_arrow_right
Used syringes pose a health risk to the community and so safe disposal bins must be provided and used. Needle and syringe disposal bins can be found in hospital grounds, council amenity buildings, parks and reserves. Medical sharps can also be taken to participating pharmacies and public hospitals in a puncture-resistant container such as a coffee or paint tin.
People working with sharps should ensure they’re stored correctly to there’s no risk of harm to anyone who comes into contact with them.
Here are some basic guidelines:
- Store sharps in a puncture-proof container (a yellow sharps container)
- Store containers in a safe place that can’t be accessed by children
- Do not recap needles before placing them in the container
- Seal the container lid when full
How do I dispose of Clinical and related waste?
Medical waste containers can be brought into the pharmacies listed below for disposal free of charge. Alternatively you can visit, which gives a comprehensive list of all stores or locations in NSW where sharps can be disposed of safely.
Terry White Chemist
Centro Lavington
Griffith Road
Lavington 2641
Phone: 02 6025 4733Fifield's Pharmacy
Cnr Dean & Townsend Streets
Albury 2640
Phone: 02 6021 3255Terry White Chemist
543 Dean Street
Albury 2640
Phone: 02 6021 2714Mayo's Northend Pharmacy
3/330 Urana Road
Lavington 2641
Phone: 02 6040 2204Soul Pattinson Chemist
Thurgoona Plaza
Shuter Avenue
Thurgoona 2640
Phone: 02 6043 1444Chemist Warehouse
483 Olive Street
Albury 2640
Phone: 02 6022 4088Chemist Warehouse
Shops 3-5, 338 Kaitlers Road
Springdale Heights 2641
Phone: 02 6025 3007 -
Paint keyboard_arrow_right
Leftover paint is one of the most common sources of liquid waste in landfills but we can dispose of old paint in a safe and practical way – and disposal is free.
Australians buy more than 100 million litres of paint a year. About five million litres ends up in landfill, along with the packaging and materials that go with it.
Leftover paint can contaminate groundwater and should not be put into garbage bins.
However, if you deliver unwanted paint to the Albury Recycling Centre, it will be mixed with other waste solvents and used as an alternative fuel in cement kilns. The metal containers are also recycled.
Remember, you should never mix your paint with other chemicals, and if possible you should keep your paint in its original containers.
We have partnered with Paintback, which collects the paint and packaging from the Albury Recycling Centre and transports it for treatment. The packaging and waste liquid are separated. Waste paint is treated in a number of ways including energy recovery for solvent and liquid/solid separation for water-based paint, significantly minimising pressures on our landfill.
Household users and trade painters can drop off the following items for free:
- Interior and exterior architectural paint
- Deck coatings and floor paints
- Primers, undercoats and sealers
- Stains and shellacs
- Varnishes and urethanes (single component)
- Wood coatings
- Packaging
Oils keyboard_arrow_right
Used motor and cooking oil can be recycled, so rather than risk contamination or a spill at your place, bring it to us and we'll have it cleaned and put to good use.
Each year, Australians buy more than 500 million litres of motor oil. Just one litre of motor oil is enough to contaminate one million litres of water, and a single oil change in your car produces four to five litres of oil waste.
Used motor oil picks up toxic chemicals when used in engines and transmissions and is hazardous to the environment.
Sump oil - which includes engine oil, two-stroke, diesel oil and lubricating oils along with cooking oil - can be dropped off for free at the Albury Recycling Centre.
Fortunately, used motor oil can be recycled because instead of wearing out, it just gets dirty. The contaminants can be removed and the oil recycled time after time.
Some uses of recycled oil are industrial burner fuel, re-refined lube oil, or it can be used in other products as an additive.
If you have small quantities (20 litres maximum) of old motor oils or unused/used cooking oil make sure it is in a secure oil container and bring it to the Albury Recycling Centre.
Households are not charged for oil disposal but a fee applies for commercial operators.
Here are some useful tips for recycling oils:
- Dispose of old oils straight away otherwise you risk it entering the soil and contaminating ground water if it spills or leaks
- Do not mix oils with other chemicals as contamination may cause the oil to be unrecyclable. Keep liquids in original containers
Ensure all containers are sealed and have clearly identifiable labels.
Household and car batteries keyboard_arrow_right
Did you know?
Batteries are the most common form of hazardous waste disposed of by Australian households. When put in your recycling or waste bin they can cause fires in garbage trucks and waste facilities.
The Issue
Sending batteries to landfill is a huge waste of beneficial resources.
When disposed of correctly, around 95% of alkaline and lithium battery components can be recycled in Australia and can be made into new products such as streetlights and car parts!
In Australia, about 350 million batteries are purchased every year. More than two thirds of them end up in landfill, where they can cause health and environmental problems.
Councils and waste contractors have seen a significant rise in the number of truck and rubbish fires caused by batteries, which if damaged are explosive and cause fires that are difficult to put out.
Heavy metals in batteries include cadmium, nickel, lead, and mercury, are all toxic and dangerous to human, animal and environmental health if not managed properly.
The environment is damaged by batteries in landfill because once their casings disintegrate, metals and chemicals inside the battery leach out.
How Can You Help?
You can prevent this type of environmental damage by dropping batteries at a designated drop off point. Once we’ve received them, they can be made into new products such as streetlights and car parts.
Some of the new uses for your old batteries include:
- Recycling nickel to produce stainless steel.
- Recycling acid to form sodium sulphate, which is used to make detergents, glass, and textiles.
- The production of new batteries, fertilisers, waste bins and plant pots
Small household batteries
In Albury, you can dispose of your unwanted household batteries at either the Albury Recycling Centre located at the Albury Waste Management Centre or at the many local drop off locations listed here around town:
Albury City Council Offices
553 Kiewa Street, Albury
Monday - Friday: 8.30am to 5pm
02 6023 8111Mirambeena Community Centre
19 Martha Mews, Lavington
Monday - Friday: 9am to 3pm
02 6043 5875Albury LibraryMuseum
Cnr Kiewa & Swift Streets, Albury
Monday, Wednesday & Thursday: 10am to 7pm
Tuesday and Friday: 10am to 5pm
Saturday: 10am to 4pm
Sunday: 12pm to 4pm
02 6023 8333Orana Community Centre
40 Cardo Drive, Springdale Heights
Monday - Thursday: 9am to 3.30pm
Fri: 9am to 1pm
02 6025 3988Lavington Library
Northpoint Tower
Griffith Road, Lavington
Monday Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday:
9.30am to 5.30pm
Thursday: 9.30am to 6pm
Saturday: 9.30am to 1pm
02 6043 5645Glenecho Neighbourhood Centre
949 Burrows Road, Glenroy
Monday - Friday 9am to 3pm
02 6025 9359Albury Upcycle & Recycle Shop
565 Mudge Street, Hamilton Valley
Monday - Friday: 10am to 3pm
Sat & Sun: 10am to 2pm
0439 887 496Accepted batteries include: AA, AAA, C, D, 9V, 6V, button batteries and batteries from detachable or removable household devices, appliances and power tools.
Please note: Tape both ends of battery terminals before dropping them off at a designated collection site.
Handheld lithium batteries can also be returned to Coles, Woolworths, Aldi, IGA and Bunnings.
Vehicle Batteries
Your unwanted vehicle batteries can be dropped off at the Albury Recycling Centre located at the Albury Waste Management Centre.
Embedded Batteries Trial
The NSW EPA has established a trial, in partnership with AlburyCity Council, to accept products with embedded batteries at the Albury Recycling Centre. This includes e-cigarettes and vapes.
To find out more, please visit: Embedded Battery Trial
Commercial Lithium-ion batteries
The Albury Recycling Centre does not accept Commercial lithium-ion batteries. These require direct disposal at a specialist recovery facility.
Battery Recycling | Livium are an EPA-licenced lithium-ion battery recycling facility located in Melbourne, Victoria.
Embedded Battery Trial keyboard_arrow_right
Embedded batteries
Products with embedded batteries are becoming increasingly prevalent in our everyday lives. Chances are you might not even be aware of how many embedded batteries are collectively in your home.
Products with embedded batteries are considered problematic as they can be difficult to dispose of or recycle at their end of life due to the different components and materials that they’re made of. All batteries, particularly lithium-ion batteries, should never be disposed of in your kerbside red, yellow or green bins as they contain chemical substances that can be harmful to human health and the environment.
The NSW EPA has established a trial, in partnership with AlburyCity Council, to accept products with embedded batteries at Albury Recycling Centre.
What products are accepted at the Albury Recycling Centre as part of the Embedded Batteries Trial?
Common items you might have at home that may contain an embedded battery are:
- Bluetooth speakers and headphones
- Electric toothbrushes
- E-scooters, e-bikes and hover boards
- Flashing/light up toys – particularly wands or other hard plastic products
- Personal care devices (e.g. shavers)
- Powerpacks and portable charging devices
- Remote controlled and ride-on toys
- Vacuum cleaners (cordless hand-held and robotic)
- Vapes
- Wearable devices such as smart watches, trackers and medical aids
If you have an unusual product, please phone ahead to the ARC to see if it can be accepted.
Many products have removable batteries, so if the batteries can be easily removed, please only bring the loose batteries.
What products are not accepted as part of the Embedded Batteries Trial?
Products covered under the National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme (NTCRS) should be directed to your Council’s e-waste collection, usually also located at the Community Recycling Centre. This includes e-waste such as televisions, computers, printers, computer parts and peripherals. E-waste products containing an embedded battery, such as rechargeable gaming controllers and laptops, are accepted as part of the NTCRS rather than through the trial.
Mobile phones and associated accessories should be directed to your nearest MobileMuster collection point. MobileMuster is the product stewardship scheme for the collection and recycling of old and broken phones, chargers and accessories. These can be recycled at any MobileMuster location:
For more information on the NTCRS, please visit:
Oversize items are also not accepted. Check with Council before presenting anything over 20kgs or that is bulky/requiring special delivery and/or more than one person from a manual handling perspective.
Where is the Albury Recycling Centre located?
The Albury Recycling Centre is located at the Albury Waste Management Centre at:
565 Mudge Street
Lavington, NSW 2641
Phone: 02 6043 5860.Are other Community Recycling Centres participating in the Embedded Batteries trial?
There are 21 Community Recycling Centres participating in the Embedded Batteries Trial. Visit to find other trial locations.
How long is the Embedded Batteries Trial for?
The Embedded Batteries Trial will began September 2024 and will run until September 2026.
Fluoro tubes and globes keyboard_arrow_right
Because they contain mercury, fluorescent lamps are damaging if they end up in landfill - so let us take care of them for you.
While the risk of mercury poisoning from broken lights is low, 95% of mercury contained in waste lights in Australia end up in landfills which poses a significant environmental concern.
Over time, mercury converts to methylmercury, a toxic chemical that spreads into the environment through the air, water and soil.
The mercury from one fluorescent tube is enough to pollute 30,000 litres of water. But to eliminate the risk, fluorescent lights can be safely collected and recycled, creating positive uses for potentially dangerous products.
You can dispose of your waste lights for free by separating them and placing them in the correct receptacles at the Albury Recycling Centre.
The following can be recycled:
- Compact fluorescent lamps
- Fluorescent U-tubes
- Linear fluorescent lamps
- Mercury vapour lamps
- Metal halide lamps
- Sodium vapour lamps
- UV lamps
- LED tubes
Gas bottles keyboard_arrow_right
Gas bottles that can no longer be refilled can be recycled for scrap metal
Gas bottles that are unfit for reuse can be recycled. High pressure gas bottles pose a significant safety hazard if compacted in landfill.
You can recycle your unwanted gas bottle for free at the Albury Recycling Centre.
Gas bottles have residual gas captured for reuse. Undamaged bottles are retested, restamped and entered into the hire industry. Damaged bottles are punctured and recycled as scrap metal.
Please do NOT put gas bottles into your kerbside bins as they pose a significant safety hazard if compacted in landfill.
Fire extinguishers and smoke detectors keyboard_arrow_right
Fire extinguishers are made from steel that can be fully recycled, while smoke detectors contain batteries and harmful materials. As long as they’re not generated by business or commercial use, you can dispose of them at the Albury Recycling Centre for no charge.
Like gas bottles, fire extinguishers are made from steel which is 100% recyclable, and can be recycled for scrap metal.
Smoke Detectors can contain batteries and in some cases harmful content that could react if it comes into contact with other materials.
To dispose of these items correctly, simple place them in marked container at the recycling centre.