The Albury region has a unique multicultural heritage. Traditionally the home of the Wiradjuri people, the region became home to German, Dutch, Italian, Greek and Polish migrant communities after World War II, with settlements located at Bonegilla.
More recently, Indian, Filipino, Bhutanese, Nepalese, South African and Congolese residents have contributed to the city’s vibrant, cosmopolitan feel. Albury has also become a Regional Settlement Hub for families from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Nepal, Bhutan and Sudan.
Our Vision
We celebrate our multicultural heritage and uphold that people from multicultural backgrounds are valued, supported, included and respected members of the community.
Everyone in our community has the freedom to express their cultural, linguistic and religious traditions without fear or discrimination.
Refugee Welcome Zone
Albury was declared a Refugee Welcome Zone in June 2015.
A Refugee Welcome Zone is an LGA which has made a commitment in spirit to:
- welcoming refugees into the community,
- upholding the human rights of refugees,
- demonstrating compassion for refugees; and
- enhancing cultural and religious diversity in the community.
Our Action Plan
The development of the Multicultural Plan is the reaffirmation of a long-term commitment by AlburyCity to diversity, inclusion and belonging.
This Plan provides an outline of how AlburyCity has integrated the Principles of Multiculturalism into our work and how we will engage with multicultural communities over the next five years.
Its development was guided by the expertise, knowledge and lived experiences of our CALD community leaders, service providers as well as community members.
We are grateful to all who took part in the process and provided input generously.
Our Focus Areas
Planning keyboard_arrow_right
We plan better, including using data to plan services and policies. AlburyCity addresses the needs of the multicultural community through planning and integrates multicultural policy goals into all of its planning processes.
Service Delivery, Access and Equity keyboard_arrow_right
We ensure that people from diverse cultural backgrounds receive high-quality services that meet their needs.
Engagement keyboard_arrow_right
We ensure that AlburyCity has effective processes for engaging with people from culturally diverse communities to inform service and policy design and to provide mechanisms for feedback.
Leadership keyboard_arrow_right
We ensure that all leaders value diversity and strive to support diversity in its various forms. Our Councillors, Executives and Council Officers promote and are accountable for the implementation of the Principles of Multiculturalism within the council and the local community.
Local Multicultural Service Providers
Red Cross keyboard_arrow_right
The Red Cross’ Humanitarian Settlement Program (HSP) local team assists refugees to establish themselves in their first 12 months in the Albury LGA. They work with newly arrived migrants to build on their strengths and support their needs including community connection with mainstream health, educational and accommodation services; specialised and intensive services for people with complex needs; and assistance to become socially and financially independent. Many of their staff have experiences of migration or as refugees themselves.
Albury Wodonga Ethnic Communities Council (AWECC) keyboard_arrow_right
The Albury-Wodonga Ethnic Communities Council (AWECC) is the peak multicultural organisation for the Border region of Albury (NSW) and Wodonga (VIC). AWECC’s core business is advocacy. The organisation works alongside its members to enhance inclusion, access and social cohesion. AWECC is committed to promoting the successes of multiculturalism and ensuring equitable, human rights-based outcomes for all, regardless of their background.
Albury Wodonga Volunteer Resource Bureau (AWVRB) keyboard_arrow_right
The Albury Wodonga Volunteer Resource Bureau aims to increase and foster volunteering within the local community and regional areas. The AWVRB also assist newly arrived migrants, refugees and humanitarian entrants through the Department of Home Affairs Settlement Engagement and Transition Support (SETS) program.
Regional Development Australia - Murray (RDA Murray) keyboard_arrow_right
RDA Murray is part of Regional Development Australia, a national network of 52 committees made up of local leaders who work with all levels of government, businesses and community groups to support the development of their regions. This Australian Government initiative brings together all levels of government to support the development of regional Australia. It is funded by the Australian Government and is administered by the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Cities and Regional Development.
RDA Murray is also a Regional Certifying Body (RCB) for the Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (Provisional) visa. As an RCB for the Murray Region, RDA Murray provides advice to the Department of Home Affairs on the Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (Provisional) visa (SESR visa) in the Employer Sponsored (ES) stream.
Translating and Interpreting Service
If you are a non-English speaker, you can use the National Translating and Interpreting Service. The service provides immediate phone interpreting. To find out more, visit TIS National or call 131 450, and quote our unique number: 285237.