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Our Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) enables us to work together with NSW Police to help provide a safer environment, reduce crime levels by deterring potential offenders and aid in crime detection and apprehension of offenders.

Our Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) enables us to work together with NSW Police to help provide a safer environment, reduce crime levels by deterring potential offenders and aid in crime detection and apprehension of offenders

A Public CCTV surveillance system has been operating in the Albury CBD, Dean Street since December 2017. In 2022 the system was expanded into Lavington CBD.

There are 112 cameras installed in Albury LGA with 66 cameras operating in Dean Street, QEII Square, Albury Skatepark, Monument Hill and the Volt Lane car park and 46 cameras operating in Lavington CBD. The system provides live footage 24 hours a day, seven days a week to monitors at the Albury police station.

The primary aim is to reduce violence, street crime, anti-social behaviour and increase the perception of safety in our community. The cameras complement other Council initiatives, including improved lighting in sections of the CBD as well as installing artworks on public assets to prevent graffiti vandalism.

A Code of Practice has been developed in consultation with the NSW Police. This Code contains standards to guide the operation of our Public CCTV Program and is supplemented by our Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) which provide instructions on the day-to-day operation of the CCTV system.

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Frequently Asked Questions

We've created a list of frequently asked questions to help you better understand our CCTV program.

  • What is CCTV? keyboard_arrow_right

    Closed Circuit Television, known as CCTV, involves the use of cameras to transmit video footage and images to a central location.

  • Albury

    • Dean Street
    • QEII Square
    • Volt Lane car park
    • Albury Skatepark
    • Monument Hill

    Lavington CBD

    • Urana Road – Sanders Road
    • Mate Street – Tarakan Avenue
    • Wagga Road – Kaylock Road
    • Griffith Road – Kaylock Road
    • Prune Street – Breen Street
    • The Fiveways intersection

    A full list of the CCTV locations can be found in the CCTV Code of Practice and Standard Operating Procedure.

  • The primary aim is to reduce violence, street crime, anti-social behaviour and increase the perception of safety in our community. The cameras complement other Council initiatives, including improved lighting in sections of the CBD as well as installing artworks on public assets to prevent graffiti vandalism.

  • CCTV cameras will be operating continuously, 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. The cameras will capture any activity that occurs in the field of view of the cameras. The images will be used to assist in identifying offenders in an effort to reduce crime, violence, and anti-social behaviour and increase the perception of safety in our community.

  • A live feed of the images captured by CCTV in the Albury CBD and Lavington CBD are available to Albury Police.

  • The CCTV Code of Practice and Standard Operating Procedure detail the circumstances where the images captured by CCTV will be held and released. Generally, the images will only be released to law enforcement agencies, such as NSW Police, for the purpose of legal proceedings, or where AlburyCity is required to release the images by law.

  • CCTV footage will be held for at least 30 days. The footage will then be destroyed unless it is required for the investigation of a crime, for legal proceedings, or to meet other legal obligations.

  • How is my privacy protected? keyboard_arrow_right

    Information captured by CCTV is protected by the Information Protection Principals contained in the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW Privacy Act), and the AlburyCity CCTV Code of Practice and Standard Operating Procedure. Access to the images captured by CCTV is limited to specific authorised Council Officers. Albury Police will be provided with a live feed of CCTV in the Albury CBD, however a recording of any images that may be needed for an investigation will be required to be applied for through a formal application process.

  • Yes. Signage will be placed at the entry point(s) of AlburyCity facilities as well as spaced at regular intervals throughout the Albury LGA where CCTV is in operation.

  • The CCTV Code of Practice and Standard Operating Procedure governs the operation of CCTV by AlburyCity. This document has incorporated the recommendations contained in the NSW Government Policy Statement and Guidelines for the Establishment and Implementation of Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) in Public Places. Further protection regarding an individual’s privacy is provided by the NSW Privacy Act.

  • Comments, questions or complaints about CCTV may be made by contacting us:

    PO Box 323
    Albury NSW 2640

    Phone: 02 6023 8111

    Contact us Online

Other resources

Legislation which may impact on how CCTV is used in public places includes: