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Contents checked in bin audit

Thursday 19 September 2019
Our waste collection contractor, Cleanaway, is checking the contents of kerbside bins collected from homes across the region, as part of efforts to ensure we’re all disposing of our waste in the correct manner.

The audit is carried out every two years to collect information about the progress of waste reduction goals and to gain knowledge about what type of waste people are putting into their bins.

The data will also be used to plan future education and infrastructure development.

Bins from Albury, Wodonga, Indigo, Greater Hume and Federation Councils are included in the audit.

The last audit in 2017 showed:

  • General waste bins contained a large amount of incorrect waste, with 46 per cent of contents made up of food and garden waste and 13 per cent made up of recyclable materials.
  • Recycling bins had a contamination rate (non-recyclable material) of almost ten per cent.
  • Food and organics bin had a contamination rate of just one per cent – an excellent effort by local households.

The results of the 2019 audit will be available in October but early analysis has identified some problems, including:

  • People not using the correct compostable bags in their organics waste bins
  • Non-recyclable coffee cups, polystyrene and waxed food packaging being placed in recycling bins, and;
  • A significant amount of incorrect material, such as food scraps, in general waste bins.

However, it’s hoped this year’s audit will reveal the community is heeding the waste-wise message with an overall reduction in the amount of unsuitable waste placed into bins compared to 2017.

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