It is important however, that Council retains control of signage in order to protect public amenity and safety and ensure that the sporting
facility is not adversely affected by inappropriate signage.
An application must be made to Council if a club wishes to install a new sign at a Council managed sporting ground. As the manager of the property Council must give consent to the applicant prior to any signage being installed.
If a sign located within a sporting facility conforms to the following guidelines it will be classed as an internal advertisements. An internal advertisement is an advertisement not intended to be viewed from public streets or adjacent properties. (e.g. Signs in interior areas of commercial premises and structures, parks, sports grounds, stadiums and similar use of a recreational or entertainment nature).
General Guidelines of Internal Advertisements
Specific Provisions
- Interior fence of playing field
- Signs should face in toward the playing field.
- Signs should not extend beyond the height of the fence.
- Signs should not exceed an area of ten (10) square metres for any one structure.
- Other Structures within sporting facility (including clubhouse, toilets, change rooms, kiosks, bars, commentary boxes, interchange boxes, coaches boxes etc.)
- Signs should face in toward the playing field.
- Signs erected on a wall of a building should not occupy an area exceeding 25% (excluding windows or doors) of that wall or a maximum of ten (10) square metres, whichever is least.
- Signs should not exceed a height of two (2) metres and a length of five (5) metres.
- Wall a dvertisement greater than 3.5 metres above ground level.
- Awning signs constructed of other than solid or skeleton letters and motifs.
- Advertisements in the nature of posters, stickers or signs painted directly on to walls and roof surfaces.
- Advertisements consisting of any moving, rotating, flashing or otherwise animated light or component except for time and temperature displays.
- Pole, pylon or free -standing signs.
- Blimps, balloons and kites which are not of a temporary nature.
- Any advertisement that would in the opinion of Council be unsightly, objectionable, or injurious to the amenity of any natural landscape, foreshore, public reserve or public place.
Applications for New Signs
An application to Council must be made if a new sign is to be erected at a Council managed sports ground. As the manager of the property Council must give consent to the applicant prior to approval. If the sign is considered to be an Internal Advertisement i.e. if it is located on a building or structure (e.g. fence) and faces in towards the playing area, then a Development Application is not required and the application can be approved by Parks and Recreation staff. If the sign does not face in towards the playing area and is able to be seen by the ge neral public from outside the sporting ground then a Development Application needs to be approved by Councils City Planning and Development section and the appropriate fee paid.
Inspection of Signs
An annual inspection of all advertising and informatio n signs at Councils sporting grounds is necessary to ensure adherence to sign guidelines and standards. The annual inspection will be completed by Parks and Recreation staff and will also enable Councils inventory of all signs to be updated.
The inspection will identify any new signs erected without Council consent and identify signs which have degraded to a point of being a safety hazard. Signs that do not adhere to the above guidelines may be removed by Council at Councils discretion.