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What were the outcomes of Stage 2 Consultation?

Summary of key findings from Stage 2 consultation (August 2019):

  • Overall support – general support for the key concepts
  • Consistent message – Feedback was generally consistent with Stage 1 consultation
  • Keene to East St – identified as the priority area in particular noting East St and Keene St intersections and need to provide safe pedestrian crossing
  • East St intersection – support for traffic lights, need to remove service lane connecting to the roundabout and need to improve pedestrian safety.
  • Keene St intersection – support for traffic lights.
  • Pedestrian crossing – support for pedestrian crossings particularly near the hospital at East/Keene intersections (or mid-block as an interim measure).
  • Freeway interchange – desire to increase capacity/traffic flow
  • Duplication – Support to extend dual-lanes in each direction to east
  • East St and access to Easternview Estate – issues with sight lines from on-street parking
  • Airport Dr intersection – support for roundabout
  • Parking at hospital – support multi-deck parking