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Milestone reached in management restructure

Thursday 26 September 2019

We’ve reached an important milestone at AlburyCity as we work to implement a new, more modern, collaborative organisation structure.

I was delighted this week to announce the appointment of ten new Service Leaders – newly created positions that will provide high-level oversight of council’s key functions, grouped into clusters of services.

Our new service leadership model is:

  • Business and Lifestyle – Ambrose Glass
  • People and Culture – Cate Stevens
  • Strategy and Performance – Justin Finlayson
  • Community & Place – Simona Coad
  • Assets, Sustainability and Environment – Steve Millett
  • City Projects - Andrew Lawson
  • Water and Wastewater – Greg Whorlow
  • City Development – David Christy
  • Engagement – Kate de Hennin
  • City Landscapes – David Costello

Our new leaders include some newcomers to the organisation whose experience and skills will bring a new level of knowledge to council and the community we serve. It’s pleasing to note, however, that many of the appointees are currently-serving AlburyCity team members who have been highly successful in other leadership roles with us.

The recruitment process attracted strong interest, both externally and internally, and our investment in supporting the growth and development of our existing and emerging leaders was clearly demonstrated throughout, with many of the candidates already working with us proving to be absolute standouts in an extremely competitive field.

Our new Service Leaders will provide strong and effective management of the delivery of our services, programs and projects, have greater authority for decision making to improve business efficiency and customer experience, and collectively contribute to the strategy and leadership of AlburyCity.

Having our leadership team in place in October as planned means we can turn our focus to building the relationships that will ensure we can continue to deliver on the vision for our city as outlined by the community in the strategic blueprint for the future, Albury 2030.

The appointment of the service leaders is the latest step in a process that saw us change our senior leadership model, with the positions of our executive team transitioning from general manager and directors, to CEO and Deputy CEOs.

It’s part of a vision to create a more modern and streamlined collaborative structure that enables our leaders to take a more strategic focus on the future, in line with the community’s expectations that we’ll continue to deliver the services and facilities our growing regional capital city needs to thrive.

I’m looking forward to refining that future focus through high-level management oversight but of course, as always, it is the community that defines the way forward for Albury and we’ll continue to encourage and welcome feedback, suggestions and ideas to make our city an even better place to live, work and invest.

Thank you to those community members and service partners who’ve joined us on the journey so far and please join me in welcoming our new leaders  as we continue our work together to serve with excellence, empower progress and take care of our place.