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Environmental Streambank Works - Noreuil Park

We're removing environmental weeds and improving the vegetation along the Murray River streambank between Oddies Creek pedestrian bridge and Noreuil Park Foreshore.

About this project

Stage 3 environmental streambank works involves removing environmental weeds such as Willow, English Elm and Privet and address erosion, along the streambank at Noreuil Park from Oddies Creek Bridge through to Noreuil Park Foreshore. The site will be rehabilitated with log and rock revetment and native riparian species following these works.

The completed works will be similar to Stage 1 at Oddies Creek Park and Stage 2 - Hovell Tree Park/Riverside Precinct area.

Streambank-Oddies Creek Park

Streambank-Hovell Tree Park

Why are these works important?

The area has a large population of willows, desert ash, elms and privet. These are considered weeds and there are strong environmental reasons for their removal. Willows in particular pose a serious threat to our waterways.

Replacing non-native vegetation with indigenous plants will help to:

  • improve the health of the river environment
  • improve the visual amenity of the river
  • foster biodiversity
  • create better habitat for platypus, fish, frogs, insects, birds and other wildlife.

What is happening and when?

We'll be removing a number of woody weed species and stabilising the streambank using a variety of rock and log treatments.

Native trees such as river red gums and some significant exotic trees will be retained and protected. Works are scheduled to start when the river levels are low, however the rock and log material required for the project will be stockpiled on site from April. Following a weed control program, the area will be revegetated with native riparian (river) species.


The Project is scheduled to commence in May 2024.

How will these works affect me?

During the works, the site, including parts of the road and pathway will be closed to the public for safety. This is due to the significant number of large truck movements to transport material to and from the site. A pedestrian management plan will be implemented to move pedestrians and cyclists through the area.

For your safety, please follow the signage and directions of staff and contractors. Thank you in advance for your patience as we work to make our foreshore an even better place to visit.


Project Updates

1 May 2024

Woody weed removal is complete.  Logs and rocks are being stockpiled on site in preparation for the commencement of the revetment work. Due to increased releases from Lake Hume, works have stopped for a short period of time. When river levels recede works will recommence.





