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Foresters Grove Basin Rehabilitation Works

  • The basin was constructed in the late 1900’s to assist in managing water flows and to catch silt and rubbish that flows down the storm water drain. Vegetation was planted to assist in beautifying the area, and provide additional habitat and refuge for wildilfe.

    NFG Basin

  • Over time sediment and rubbish collects in the basin. The dry period in early 2020  meant there were minimal to no inflows for a period of time, which exposed large amounts of sediment and rubbish in the basin. This created unfavourable water quality conditions, which in turn resulted in some water bird deaths. Periodically the basin requires removal of the sediment and rubbish, to ensure the basin continues to function correctly as well as maintaining water and habitat quality.


  • Some vegetation will be removed as part of the process however a large section will be retained. The time of year that we are doing the works will mean there will be minimal impact on the wildlife. A review of environmental factors has been completed for the project, to ensure the necessary environmental considerations are adhered to.


  • We expect to take at least 15 truck loads of sediment and rubbish out of the area. We are expecting to find shopping trolleys, tyres, cans, bottles and a large amount of mud and sediment.

  • The material removed will be take off site to the Waste Management Facility. It will be dried out and then disposed of appropriately

  • Location: Lavington
