Adaptation is a large scale inflatable art work that looks at how clusters of organic life work together to improve the life of all organisms within that community.
Adaptation is a large scale inflatable sculpture that invites the viewer to journey around and through the complex organic structure, revealing vibrantly coloured and patterned art textiles, bursting away from the main structure almost as if they grew there. Between 4 and 22 June 2021 AlburyCity hosted Adaptation in QEII Square near the Albury Entertainment Centre.
The project was developed by approximately 100 creatives across NSW, including Albury community members, during lockdown in 2020. Communities joined together in a series of live online sessions that explored creativity in a fun and unexpected way with the Goldberg Aberline Studio. Drawing, working to music, working with movement, and working with a prescribed set of mediums allowed many participants to ‘find a happy place’ or achieve a sense of freedom and release as they worked.
Adaptation was developed in collaboration with the Goldberg Aberline Studio and the Community of the Maitland Regional Art Gallery, the Grafton Regional Gallery, the Bathurst Regional Art Gallery and AlburyCity Cultural Activation.
Maurice Goldberg and Matthew Aberline are Goldberg Aberline Studio (GAS), a collaborative artist team best known for their huge colourful inflatable installations that have been shown around Australia and overseas including New York, London and Copenhagen.
They are passionate about causing positive change through art. They do so by utilising scale, play and interactivity and to tell important, multi-generational stories about sustainability, social inclusion and cultural diversity.