What’s happening?
Council is installing three flat-top road humps in Forrest Hill Avenue for a trial period of six months. These humps will address identified speeding in this street.
Council received a community request to investigate traffic movements and volumes as well as alleged hooning and speeding issues in the Forrest Hill residential area.
Council engaged the services of an external consultant to collect and analyse traffic data within the area. The consultant provided a report to council which was subsequently presented to the Local Traffic Committee. The Local Traffic Committee is an advisory committee made up of representatives from AlburyCity, NSW Highway Patrols, the local State MP’s office, and Transport for NSW.
The report identified appropriate vehicle speeds and volumes on all streets within the area except Forrest Hill Avenue. Speeds on Forrest Hill Avenue were identified to be unacceptably high, and therefore must be mitigated.
What are the next steps?
Additional traffic data will be collected and analysed during the trial to determine the effectiveness of the proposed treatment. Residents will be given the opportunity to provide feedback at the completion of the trial.