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Draft Budget still open for your feedback

Wednesday 15 May 2024

Budgets are not everyone's idea of a good read, so over the past few weeks, I’ve been out engaging with the community presenting on AlburyCity’s 2024-25 Draft Budget, which is currently on public exhibition for community feedback.

This is an important two-way process that allows me, on behalf of Council, to explain the reasoning and strategy behind the budget and how it aligns with our community’s vision and key themes outlined in the Towards Albury 2050 Community Strategic Plan.

I have one final open community presentation left and four to community groups before the public exhibition period closes at the end of the month.

The final open community session will take place on Tuesday 28 May at 5.30pm at the AlburyCity offices (Robert Brown Room, ground floor). All are welcome and there is no need to RSVP.

Our draft budget encompasses a one-year operational plan, four-year delivery program and long-term financial plan, along with our draft Financial Sustainability Strategy

Over 2024-25, Council will oversee a total budget of $190 million, strategically allocated to drive forward our community’s progress.

This includes a substantial $65 million for capital works programs and $5.5 million in new operating initiatives.

There are too many projects to list here, but some of the ‘big-ticket’ items are:

  • Stage 1 of the upgrade to the Lauren Jackson Sports Centre
  • Water main replacement / renewal and sewer rehabilitation
  • Road, bridge and footpath enhancements, along with drain rehabilitation works
  • Environmental works at the Albury Waste Management Centre.

You’ll find many more listed on our dedicated ‘Have your Say’ page for the 2024-25 Draft Budget, along with space to share your thoughts with us. The public exhibition and feedback period closes on Wednesday 29 May, so, if you haven’t already, I encourage you to go online to let us know what you think.

Frank Zaknich
AlburyCity CEO
RAP Champion