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Sports Centre draft plans open for feedback

Wednesday 15 May 2024

A draft masterplan for stage 2 of the redevelopment of the Lauren Jackson Sports Centre has been placed on public exhibition after endorsement by Albury City Council this week.

The plan, based on concept designs endorsed by Council in October 2023, is the result of extensive community consultation on the two-stage Lauren Jackson Sports Centre Master Plan.

Council’s October resolution also included the proposed allocation of $1.5 million in the draft 2024/2025 budget for preliminary design and costing.

Plans for stage 2 include a 50-metre indoor pool, three additional sport courts, allied health facilities, a health club, gymnastics studio, martials arts rooms and a cafe and merchandise shop.

Council’s Service Leader Business and Lifestyle, Ambrose Glass, said the plans would now be on public exhibition for 28 days, enabling the community to provide further feedback.

“By placing the stage 2 masterplan on public exhibition ... we can consider any final community feedback before beginning the next phase of the design process and project funding advocacy,” he said.

“Key stakeholders will be further engaged throughout the preliminary design process.”

The concept plan can be viewed on the AlburyCity website until 11 June.