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Celebrate, experience and contribute to live music-making with Taikoz

Tuesday 3 October 2023

Prepare to be captivated by Taikoz’s Side by Side, a mesmerizing musical production set to grace the stage at the Albury Entertainment Centre on Friday, October 13.

Side by Side invites you to embark on a 70-minute journey through the tapestry of our shared human experiences – delving into our hopes, anxieties, contentments, and desires.

The program features the compositional voices of Taikoz Artists Kerryn Joyce, Ryuji Hamada and Ian Cleworth and at its heart is a true celebration of both the creativity that resides within the ensemble, as well as the astonishing versatility and expression of percussion.

Side by Side also features Tasmanian-based composer Karlin Love, winner of Taikoz’s inaugural Women’s Composition Competition. Her piece Fierce: The Vengeance of Joy is a defiant rebellion against the uncertainty of modern times, a celebration of joy as resistance to despair and vengeance against darkness.

Visual artist Bart Groen worked side by side the musicians, and in response designed seven 2-metre-high light sculptures that surround and illuminate Taikoz’s drumming action like a dense, colourful forest of light-trees.

The performance will compose delicate melodies of the steel hand-drum and thunderous, ritualistic rhythms of three mighty Odaiko Grand Drums. The five Taikoz players will bring their trademark virtuosity, vibrancy and passion to the stage, creating an immersive and unforgettable experience.

For 25 years Taikoz has performed on the stages of Australia’s most distinguished concert halls, as well as Japan, France,Taiwan, Thailand, the UAE, New Zealand and America. Taikoz is recognised by Japan as a venerated ambassador of Japanese culture, having awarded co-founder sIan Cleworth and Riley Lee the Japanese Foreign Minister’s Commendation for their contribution towards promoting friendship and goodwill between Australia and Japan in 2016.

Side by Side is a unique and momentous experience for Albury, so come along and immerse yourself in the magic of live music-making.

The production is part of the Albury Entertainment Centre’s annual theatre season, Electrifying the Arts, made up of six new productions sourced especially for the Albury Wodonga community.

Albury Entertainment Centre also offers a membership program with a range of great benefits, including reduced ticket priced for the Theatre Season, as well as access to The Cube and HotHouse theatre season shows…and much more!

Secure your tickets now and learn more about the membership program by visiting the Albury Entertainment Centre website.