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Parking trial to free up spaces

Monday 21 September 2020
AlburyCity will trial an innovative, high-tech parking compliance system with the aim of freeing up more parking spaces in the CBD and improving shopper access to businesses.

The trial will involve the use of sensors buried beneath the pavement in 167 high-demand parking spaces in sections of Olive, Dean and Kiewa streets.

The solar-powered sensors will detect when motorists have overstayed their parking time and will send a message to council rangers who will then investigate.

As an added benefit to shoppers, the sensors will also provide motorists with real-time information about parking availability in the trial area, via a community engagement app.

It’s hoped the trial will free up rangers to do other work, improving efficiency and providing better value for service to ratepayers.

AlburyCity Mayor Kevin Mack said the program responds to feedback from the community to council’s Smart Community Strategy and CBD Parking Strategy, requesting a fairer system for parking.

“By using this technology, we hope to solve the problem of a handful of motorists taking up parking spots for extended times which will allow more people to get a park where they want, when they want,” he said.

“Businesses will benefit from improved access and the number of parking infringements we issue may fall, as motorists will no longer be able to take the risk of monopolising parking spots without being detected.

“It will also provide valuable data to help us improve transport planning and commercial development decisions as the city continues to grow.”

The community will be kept informed of progress as the trial is implemented.

The trial cost of almost $94,000 is expected to be offset by reducing the costs to ratepayers for manual parking compliance checks, redeploying ranger services and automating traffic counting operations.

The technology will be provided by Database Consultant Australia, which provides smart city parking solutions to more than 200 government organisations across the country.

If the two-year trial proves successful, Council will consider rolling out the technology to other areas of the CBD.