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Lavington Swim Centre Redevelopment

We're excited to announce plans to redevelop the much-loved Lavington Swim Centre with modern aquatic facilities to better serve our community's needs.

About this project

Lavington Swim Centre is at the end of its useful life and a replacement of the facility is required to ensure the ongoing operation of the facility. The replacement of this facility is in line with AlburyCity's Aquatics Strategy and was endorsed by a Council resolution from the 23 October 2023 Council meeting.

The Lavington Swim Centre replacement will deliver increased active participation opportunities with a gender-equal and accessible design including family friendly features, enhanced spectator capacity and multipurpose community meeting. Some specific outcomes of the project include:

  • Generate increased physical activity.
  • Meet the needs and demands of the local and regional communities.
  • Enhance our community inclusiveness through improved accessibility and facilities for older adults, females, people with disabilities and families.
  • Improved potential to attract regional and state sports events.
  • Increase the economic benefits to the city and the region as a result of the current and additional event content to the facility.
  • Comply with relevant sporting guidelines and building codes.
  • Improved, safer and more efficient facility operations for staff and tenant user groups.

Key Milestones

The following table defines the key milestones that will form the project baseline.

Key Milestones


Phase 1 – Stakeholder Engagement, Initial investigations

Nov 2024

Phase 2 - Concept designs, extensive consultation


Phase 3 - Development Design detailed plans


Phase 4 – Contract Documentation 70% complete


Phase 5 – Contract Documentation 90% complete


Phase 6 – Contract Documentation issued at 100% for tender and construction


Phase 7 – Construction


Phase 1 Stakeholder Engagement, Initial Investigations

Plans to redevelop the Lavington Swim Centre with modern aquatic facilities to better serve our community's needs have commenced with Phase 1 of the project underway. Extensive community consultation has been sought to engage pool users, and residents identified as primary stakeholders in the use, and subsequent future of the facility.

The Stakeholder Engagement Plan aims to:

  • Consult with stakeholders and the wider community to provide them with an opportunity to identify principles that will guide the draft concept design.
  • Use a variety of engagement techniques to gather a range of ideas and feedback on possible inclusion for the draft concept design.
  • Collect initial ‘Have Your Say’ feedback on how the community interacts with the facility and consider suggestions for potential inclusion in the draft concept design.
  • Conduct one-on-one engagement with key stakeholders and identified key user groups to better understand their interests and needs for the future facility that will help shape the concept design.
  • Provide the community with a further opportunity to provide feedback on the draft concept design when placed on public exhibition.
  • Prepare a report for Council based on the results of the engagement activities.
  • Close the loop with stakeholders and the community referencing the decision made by Council and how community feedback influenced the final decision.

The community engagement will take place over two phases of the project:

Phase 1 Concept Design

  • Awareness raising and information gathering.
  • Test ideas/concepts for potential inclusion.
  • Presentation of concept designs to Council.
  • Public Exhibition of draft concept design.

  • Phase 2 Detailed Design

    • Engagement with Key Stakeholders during detailed design.