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Playing Rules and Conditions

Information outlining the playing rules and conditions at the Lauren Jackson Sports Centre to maintain standards of play.

Team Entry

Any team wishing to join a competition at the Lauren Jackson Sports Centre needs to complete a team registration form with full details of all players.

The team registration fee (includes player registration, Insurance and team forfeit bond) must be paid in full before entry is processed.

Players or fill ins are not covered for sports injury insurance unless they are listed on the registration form. A copy of the Sports insurance policy may be requested. Please contact the Sports Co-ordinator.

One team member (Captain) needs to be nominated on the form as the contact for their team. This person will be contacted by Sports Centre staff throughout the season in terms of game times, changes, forfeits and any other related matters and it is their responsibility to communicate information to the rest of the team.

Generally a preliminary draw will be provided for the first few weeks of competition, and then a final fixture will be distributed to all players after the first few weeks. Full fixtures/ladders will be available on the Sports Centre website.

Teams are welcome to pay ALL playing fees including game fees, registration, insurance and forfeit bond at the start of the season. The office staff will give you a quote.

Teams can request fixture preferences as long as they are substantially valid reasons. Sports Centre Staff will attempt to accommodate requests, but this cannot be guaranteed.


Generally there are 2 seasons of sports each year at the Sports Centre which align with school semesters and are of a length of at least 20 weeks (inclusive of finals), these seasons are:

  • Summer Season - October – April
  • Winter Season – April - September

Competitions generally cease for the School holidays, however where possible competition will continue through the school holidays during the year (except Christmas/January holidays) if there are no other events booked in the Sports Centre during those times.

Team Fees

All Sports Centre competitions are based on a ‘team sheet’ fee and MUST be paid each week prior to the match commencing. The game will not commence until both teams receipts are presented to the umpire/referee.

Team Fees are subject to annual increases each July in accordance with AlburyCity’s annual budget process.

The current team game fees are:

  • Mixed Basketball, Futsal and Volleyball: $64.30
  • Ladies and Mixed Netball: $78.60

Game Times and Nights

The current days, times and game duration for competitions are:

Mixed Volleyball

Days: Mondays
Times: 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm
Game Duration: 1hr 15 mins (depended on set results) with 5 minutes break between sets

Mixed Basketball

Days: Wednesday
Times: 6:20 pm, 7:15 pm, 8:10 pm and 9:05 pm
Game Duration: 2 x 20 minute halves with a 5 minute half time break

Mixed Netball and Fast 5 Netball

Days: Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays
Times: 6:20 pm, 7:15 pm, 8:10 pm and 9:05 pm
Game Duration: 4 x 10 minute quarters with 2 minute quarter time breaks and 5 minute half time break.

Ladies Netball

Days: Thursdays
Times: 6:20 pm, 7:15 pm, 8:10 pm and 9:05 pm
Game Duration: 4 x 10 minute quarters with 2 minute quarter time breaks and 5 minute half time break.
* Please note there is no stoppage time for injuries.


Days: Thursdays
Times: 6:30 pm, 7:20 pm, 8:10 pm and 9:00 pm
Game Duration: 2 x 20 minute halves and 5 minute half time break.

Bench Officials

All teams must provide one competent bench official for each game. Team captains must sign the scoresheet at the end of the game.

Competition Points

Win: 4 points
Draw: 2 points
Loss: 1 point
Bye: 2 points
Forfeit win: 4 points
Forfeit loss: 0 points


Un-notified Forfeit: Less than 24 hours notice prior to game time to Sports Centre or no notification.

Notified Forfeit: More than 24 hours notice prior to game time to Sports Centre.

The Forfeit bond (included in team registration fee) is equal to a team fee.

Teams are allowed one notified forfeit per season and will not lose their forfeit bond for this. Any subsequent forfeit (notified or un-notified) will result in the team losing their forfeit bond and require them to pay a new forfeit bond prior to their next game.

Any un-notified forfeit will result in the team losing their forfeit bond and require them to pay a new forfeit bond prior to their next game.

Any team who withdraws from a competition automatically loses their Forfeit Bond

Any unused forfeit bonds will be returned to each team at the end of each season.


Should enough teams be registered in the one competition, then a grading period of approximately 5 weeks will take place in order to establish the divisions of the competition for the rest of the season.

Grading is based on previous performances, ability of players and judgement of the Sports Coordinator as in line with other facilities. As managers of the competitions and facility we have a responsibility to be fair and transparent about the systems we employ and all efforts will be made to do so.

After teams are graded a player in a higher grade will not be permitted to play or fill-in a lower graded team unless the opposition and Sports Co-ordinator agrees prior to the match, although this is not applicable for finals games.


Players must have played in a minimum of 4 games during a season.

Teams must have completed the players/fill ins details on the back of the team registration form to ensure they have their games count towards eligibility for finals. Any games played prior to completing the registration form will NOT COUNT towards finals eligibility. It is the TEAMS responsibility to notify staff of any players name that doesn’t appear on the scoresheet.

Finals for all sports are played over 2 weeks. Generally there will be a top 4 for each competition and 1st will play 4th, whilst 2nd plays 3rd. in the first semi-finals with the winners advancing to the Grand Final the following week. If there are 8 or more teams then there will be Division 1 and 2 finals, if that competition has not already previously been divided for the entire season through the grading process.

An automatic loss will apply for all teams in finals who have a player that has not been recorded on the back of the team registration sheet.


We recognise that the competitions we coordinate are of a social nature and therefore there is some flexibility with uniform rules, however the following applies:

  • All players should be wearing similar coloured sports shorts, skirts or skins of the same or similar colour, i.e. black, navy, royal blue.
  • Shorts should be of a design where they do not present a safety issue to opponents (e.g buckles, excessively baggy pockets or general design etc).
  • All players shall wear positional bibs or tags.
  • Teams will be given three weeks (the start of round 4) to have all players in uniform.
  • Failure to be in uniform will result in that player losing 5 points for their team for each match.
  • All teams must wear same colour and similar style tops.
  • Non-marking shoes should be worn.
  • No sharp objects, including jewellery, shall be worn on court. A wedding ring may be worn, but must be taped. Fingernails must be cut short, taped effectively with brown elastoplasts sports tape, or gloves may be worn.
  • All teams and players, including fill-ins, must conform to the uniform rules.

Late start of game

The referees are instructed to start the time clocks on games at the official start time for each timeslot, if a team has not produced a playing ticket and physically not on the court ready to start, the clock will be begin and the offending team will be punished with a 2 goal penalty to the opposing team for every minute the game is held up.


Our umpires/referees and staff do the utmost to provide a friendly and professional sporting environment, please respect their decisions and the job they do.

The umpires/referees decision are final and they have the authority to penalise any offending player for inappropriate behaviour including but not limited to offensive or bad language, threatening or harassing behaviour, rough play etc.

The Lauren Jackson Sports Centre has a zero tolerance towards behaviour deemed unacceptable towards umpires and opposition players. Severe penalties will be applied when deemed necessary by management after consultation with umpires. Penalties may include suspension or team loss of premiership points.

Conflict Resolution

A team wishing to dispute or protest any decision must:

  • Speak to the Sports Co-ordinator or Duty Supervisor of the Sports Centre at the time of the dispute. Depending on the nature of the dispute or protest they may request that the Team put their dispute or protest in writing to the manager of the Centre.
  • All disputes or protests will be assessed by Sports Centre Management, and the outcome will be communicated back to all relevant teams and/or individuals and the decision of the Sports Centre Management will be final.
  • The Sports Centre Management reserves the right to make decisions on matters not specifically covered by the Playing Rules and Regulations.

Injuries/First Aid

Sports Centre staff are able to provide first aid in the case of an injury, please ask for assistance if required

First Aid kits are located within the kiosk area. A defibrillator is also located outside the kiosk entry door and its use is encouraged should the need arise.

A first aid room with benches is also located through Meeting Room 1 at the front of the facility and is also available to be used should it be required.

Injuries which have occurred during a game should be reported to the Umpire/referee so they can make note on the scoresheet. This is our formal record of the injury which forms part of a sports injury claim should the need arise.

General Sport Rules

Mixed Basketball

  • No more than 3 males on the court at any time.
  • There must be 4 players (3 of which can be males) on a team for the game to commence.

Mixed Netball

  • There must be at least 2 but no more than 3 males on the court at any time.
  • Only one male may play in the following positions at any one time:
  • 1 x Male in GS or GA
  • 1 x Male in WA, C or WD
  • 1 x Male in GD or GK
  • It is not necessary for a male player to be opposed to another male player.
  • Games can commence with 5 players on a team, 3 of which may be male.

Ladies Netball

  • Games can commence with 5 players on a team

Mixed Volleyball

  • 6 players on the court at any one time with at least 2 female and 2 male players at all times.
  • The game may commence with 4 players on a team
  • Games are played over 60 minutes. 3 sets are played during this time. The winner is the first team to win 2 sets.
  • If time permits the third set may go to 25 points, otherwise the set will be played to 15 points with a 2 point lead to win that set.


  • 5 players on the court - one of whom MUST be the goalkeeper
  • Slide tackles are NOT allowed in a game of futsal by any players except goalkeepers.
  • 5 accumulated team fouls are allowed each half (per team). Each subsequent foul is rewarded by a 10 metre penalty shot to the opposition team.
  • Uniform to be the same style for shirts and shorts.
  • The referees are instructed to start the time clocks on games at the official start time for each timeslot, if a team has not produced a playing ticket and physically not on the court ready to start, the clock will be begin and the offending team will be punished with a 1 goal penalty to the opposing team for every minute the game is held up.

Children by Court

Due to safety concerns of balls and players running off the court we cannot guarantee the safety of young children left by courts edge. At no stage are children allowed on the court during the course of play. Active supervision of children less than ten (10) years of age by a person sixteen (16) years or older is required in any part of this centre.

Cancellation of games

The decision to call a game off will be made by the Sports Co-ordinator and umpires based on previously developed criteria for this situation.

If a game is called off before half-time then the following takes place:

  • The first preference is for a suitable time to be found to replay the game. This may only be application or appropriate for finals matches. If this is not possible then;
  • All players are entitled to a full refund from the Sports Centre and;
  • The match points will be shared equally between the two teams, no matter what the score was at the time the game was called off.

If a game is called off after half-time the following will take place:

  • Players are not entitled to any refund from the Sports Centre;
  • The score at the time the game is called off will stand and points and percentage awarded accordingly.