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AlburyCity Terms and Conditions


1.1 Council is responsible to ensure that you are legally eligible to work in Australia. To be legally eligible to work in Australia you must be an Australian citizen; Australian permanent resident; or otherwise hold a valid Visa entitling you to work in Australia.

1.2 By signing this contract, you warrant that you are legally eligible to work in Australia. You agree to provide Council with any documentation that it requires from you, at any time, to prove that you are eligible to work in Australia.

1.3 You must ensure that you remain legally eligible to work in Australia throughout the period of your employment with Council.

1.4 If you, for any reason, become ineligible to work in Australia, or changes occur to a Visa that applies to you and in any way affects your ability to work in Australia, you must notify Council immediately.

1.5 Council may terminate your employment if, at any time during your employment, you are not legally eligible to work in Australia or changes occur to a Visa that applies to you which effects your ability to undertake your duties under this contract of employment.


2.1 In addition to your ordinary hours of work, you will be required to work such reasonable additional hours as may be necessary to fulfil the requirements and expectations of your position.

2.2 Your remuneration under this contract compensates you for all hours worked including the ordinary hours and any reasonable additional hours.


3.1 During the course of your employment with Council you must:

  1. perform your duties faithfully, diligently and with reasonable care;
  2. devote the whole of your time and ability to the performance of your duties for Council during your ordinary hours of work and at such other times as may be reasonably required to ensure the proper and efficient performance of your duties;
  3. use your best endeavours to promote the interests of Council’s business at all times;
  4. carry out all lawful and reasonable directions provided to you by Council;
  5. ensure that you strictly comply with all laws that are relevant to the work performed by you on behalf of Council;
  6. not prejudice or damage the interests of Council's business or Council’s reputation;
  7. ensure that you strictly comply with all ethical standards and codes of conduct; and
  8. not, without specific prior approval, incur or approve, on behalf of Council, any expenditure that is in excess of the amount that you are able to authorise without specific prior approval.


4.1 You warrant that:

  1. there are no limitations (including potential limitations) on your ability to fully perform all of the duties and responsibilities envisaged by your position, including limitations arising from any medical restrictions or any prior employment;
  2. you are able to perform the physical requirements and any other inherent requirements of your position;
  3. you will not, by performing your duties and responsibilities for Council, be in breach of any post-employment contractual obligations to a former Council including, but not limited to, confidentiality obligations or post-employment restraint obligations;
  4. you hold the qualifications and professional accreditations relevant to your position; and
  5. all information you have provided to Council prior to signing this contract is true and correct.

4.2 Without limiting the circumstances in which Council may terminate your employment, you understand that any breach of the provisions of this clause will provide Council with grounds to terminate your employment.


5.1 Your final pay may be adjusted for monies owed to AlburyCity. This is not limited to: Cash advances, purchased leave, career enhancement, leaseback fees, relocation assistance, uniform purchases, laptops, phones and other work related equipment.


6.1 You shall:

  1. satisfactorily carry out the responsibilities set out in the position description
  2. take all reasonable steps to meet the performance measures
  3. diligently exercise delegations as specified by Council from time to time.
  4. promote the best interests of Council.
  5. comply with lawful Council resolutions and applicable policies.
  6. perform all duties imposed by law.
  7. not engage in other remunerated work without the written consent of your manager such consent not to be unreasonably withheld.
  8. comply with the code of conduct for staff adopted by Council as amended from time to time.
  9. display standards of behaviour and performance commensurate with the requirements of the position and consistent with Council’s policies promoting workforce diversity and occupational health and safety.
  10. act with the highest ethical standards in dealings with other employees and rate payers and other customers.  This includes setting an example and providing a role model for good behaviour that enhances the reputation of Council, and at no time bringing Council into disrepute.
  11. not knowingly engage in any activity or hold any position that results in or is likely to result in a conflict of interest with your duty to Council pursuant to this contract.
  12. not accept any payment or other benefit in money or kind from any person as an inducement or reward in connection with any matter or business transacted by or on behalf of Council.
  13. devote all of your time and attention to the business and interests of Council as is reasonably required to achieve successful work outcomes and requisite performance standards.
  14. Undertake health monitoring as detailed in my Position Description
  15. Complete vaccinations required to achieve immunity to the infectious diseases detailed in my Position Description

6.2 Council shall provide adequate resources to enable you to carry out the responsibilities specified above and you shall carry out these responsibilities within the resources determined by Council.

6.3 The responsibilities and performance measures may be varied from time to time by agreement between your Team leader and you, such agreement not to be unreasonably withheld by you.


7.1 The salary payable for the position is set out in your letter of offer.

7.2 The salary component of your remuneration (less deductions and taxation instalments that Council is legally required to deduct) will be paid to you weekly by electronic funds transfer to a bank account nominated by you.

7.3 In addition to your salary you will be entitled to superannuation in accordance with the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 (SGAA).

7.4 Where Council pays an allowance (including an Attraction and/or Retention payment) that is not prescribed by the Local Government (State) Award, Council reserves the right to absorb the amount into your total salary, noting that any such process will not result in a reduction in your total salary.

7.5 Attraction and Retention Allowances are fixed monetary figures that are non-Award payments outside of AlburyCity’s Fixed Pay System and do not attract any award increases.


8.1 This contract may be terminated before the termination date in the event of any of the circumstances specified in this clause:

  1. By Council and you agreeing in writing.
  2. By you, with at least two weeks notice in writing to Council.
  3. By Council in accordance with the provisions of the Award.

8.2 This contract and your employment under the contract shall cease at close of business on the termination date.

8.3 Upon termination of employment for any reason you shall immediately return to the Council all property of the Council.


9.1 You must keep such records of expenses, travel and motor vehicle use as required by Council from time to time.

9.2 You will be reimbursed for expenses properly incurred on Council business, subject to authorisation by Council of this expense being incurred in advance or as set out in Council’s policies as amended from time to time.

9.3 If Council provides you with a credit card, the card must only be used for expenses incurred on Council business and not for any other expenses.

9.4 You must immediately return the credit card to Council on request from Council.

9.5 You shall comply with Council’s expense and credit card policies as varied from time to time by Council.


10.1 Any literary work, computer program, invention, design, patent, copyright, trademark, improvement or idea developed by you during this contract in the course of employment is the sole property of Council and Council shall unless otherwise agreed have the exclusive right to use, adapt, patent and otherwise register it.

10.2 You shall immediately disclose to Council any literary work, computer program, invention, design, patent, copyright, trademark, improvement or idea developed by you following the commencement of this contract to enable Council to ascertain whether it was discovered, developed or produced wholly outside and wholly unconnected with the course of employment.

10.3 You hereby assigns to Council by way of future assignment all copyright, design, design right and other property rights (if any) in respect to any literary work, computer program, invention, design, patent, copyright, trademark, improvement or idea developed by you in the course of employment.

10.4 You agrees that he/she will at the request and expense of Council complete all necessary deeds and documents and take all action necessary to vest any literary work, computer program, invention, design, patent, copyright, trademark, improvement or idea developed by you in the course of employment and obtain for Council the full benefit of all patent, trademark, copyright and other forms of protection throughout the world.


11.1 Except so far as is required for the proper performance of your duties under this contract or as authorised by Council or as required by law, you shall not at any time during, nor at any time after the termination of this contract, communicate or divulge to any unauthorised person or make use of any confidential information and shall use your best endeavours to the prevent the disclosure, publication or unauthorised use of such confidential information.

11.2 For the purposes of this clause "confidential information" shall include but is not limited to:

  1. Council's business strategies (which includes business plans and prospective business plans, marketing plans and prospective marketing plans, technical information, reports, forecasts, business methods, products, services, planned products, planned services, contents of databases, ratepayer, customer and client records and their requirements);
  2. Council's financial results and performance indicators (which includes financial forecasts and projections, financial targets, pricing statistics, budgets, fee level, and pricing policies);
  3. information concerning any ratepayer or customer of Council; and
  4. any confidential information relating to Council's operations, including trade secrets or any other commercially valuable information in relation to business operations, other than information which has come into the public domain.


12.1 Any variation to this contract shall be by agreement and in writing and signed by the parties.


13.1 The failure of either party to enforce at any time any provisions of the contract or any right under the contract or to exercise any election in the contract shall in no way be considered to be waiver of such provision, right or election and shall not affect the validity of the contract.


14.1 Any notice or notification required under the contract shall be in writing addressed to the party at the party's address specified in the contract or to such other address as may be advised by either party to the other from time to time in writing.


15.1 If reading down a provision of the contract would prevent the provision being invalid or voidable it shall be read down to the extent that it is necessary and capable of being read down.

15.2 If a provision of the contract is nevertheless invalid or voidable and, the provision would not be invalid or voidable if a word or words were omitted, then that word or those words will be omitted and, in any other case, the whole provision shall be deleted, and the remainder of the contract has full force and effect.


16.1 The terms of this contract shall represent the entire terms of all agreements and understandings between Council and you for the provision of services by you to Council. You specifically acknowledge that all representations made, undertakings given and agreements reached between Council and you prior to the date of this contract are hereby expressly negated and are not relied upon, to the extent that the terms as contained in this contract shall represent the entire agreement between the parties.

16.2 You acknowledge that you have been provided with the opportunity to seek independent legal advice prior to the execution of this contract. You also acknowledge that Council, its officers or representatives have not made any promise, representation or inducement to you or been party to any conduct material to the entering into of this contract other than as set out in this contract and you are aware that Council is relying on this acknowledgement in executing this contract.