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An Enhanced Natural Environment

We’ll continue improving the health of the Murray River, being a leader in natural resource management and protecting local plants and animals.
Wonga Wetlands - 22
Wonga Wetlands Visitor Education and Experience Centre

2023/2024 Budget: $750,000

Total budget: $3.90M

Completion: July 2025

Detailed designs are being prepared for construction of a visitor education and experience centre at Wonga Wetlands.

Botanic Gardens - Garden Gates and Elm Avenue
Botanic Gardens - Elm Ave Redevelopment

Total budget: $750,000

Completion: December 2026

Elm Avenue is an iconic and much-loved site in the Albury Botanic Gardens. Unfortunately, the trees are at the end of their Useful Life Expectancy (ULE) and require replacement. This project provides background information and project status.