Frank Zaknich

Our CEO is responsible for organisation and community strategy, city and regional advocacy, leadership, culture and performance.

Our CEO is responsible for organisation and community strategy, city and regional advocacy, leadership, culture and performance.

He also ensures the efficient and effective operations of the Executive Leadership Team, which comprises our two Deputy CEO’s and is the interface between the organisation and the elected Council.

Frank Zaknich Chief Executive Officer

Our CEO is responsible for organisation and community strategy, city and regional advocacy, leadership, culture and performance.

He also ensures the efficient and effective operations of the Executive Leadership Team, which comprises our two Deputy CEO’s and is the interface between the organisation and the elected Council.

Tracey Squire Deputy CEO Business, Growth & Community

Our Business, Growth & Community Directorate focuses on providing more opportunities for our people, our place and progressing the city.

The groups within this directorate will empower our people, city and region to strive for more and to champion the significance of Albury as a national destination for life, work, culture, sport, entertainment, business and investment.

We build relationships and promote engaging and actionable dialogue with our community and our partners. We ensure good governance and we facilitate a highly engaged, satisfied and well-informed workforce.

Bridgett Leopold Deputy CEO Infrastructure, Planning & Environment

Our Infrastructure, Planning & Environment Directorate focuses on maintaining and improving our special and unique city and its surrounds.

The groups within this directorate take care of our place as well as ensure that we grow and develop the city in a planned, balanced and sustainable way.

We invest in and build infrastructure to meet everyone’s needs, and we provide and maintain quality facilities and services that rival, and even surpass those in larger cities. We are also responsible for preserving our stunning natural environment across our many and varied landscapes.

Service Leadership Team

Our Service Model has been designed to ensure we are a contemporary organisation that is future focused and well positioned to deliver on our shared Council and community vision.

Rather than a hierarchal approach, the model is made up of 10 service clusters. Each cluster is led by a Service Leader reporting to a Deputy CEO.

For more information or to contact our Service Leaders, download a copy of our Service Leaders directory.Executive Leadership Team